
Become a Local Freelancer

Location targeted advertising for local freelancers

private-lessons.org app offers a simple and effective way to reach local audiences. Our location targeted solution allows you to reach people in a specific area, meaning your adverts are always relevant and seen by an audience that’s just right for your Business or Service.

Why advertise with us?

Reach people in your area

We are part of the World’s largest Businesses and Services publishing network, reaching over 45 million people per month in the World.

Build ads easily

Creating your page is very simple and only takes a few minutes before it’s live on the platform immediately. Using our location targeting feature you can ensure you only reach customers in the areas you serve.

See results instantly

You can keep up to date with how many people look at and click on your advert with our real time Insights Dashboard.

Professional Membership

Your PROFESSIONAL plan includes:

  • Feature at the top of our Explore Local Business and Services
  • Manage up to 100 locations on the map
  • Permanent inclusion in our email newsletter and live feed
  • Get higher zoom level visibility on private-lessons.org map
  • Monitor visitors, search terms, search results

Suitable for: Tradespeople, Craftsmen, Local Guides, Tutors, Coaches, Professionals, Service Providers